
Thursday 21 November 2019

In An Ideal World

In An Ideal World

In an ideal world, I would want people to come together and be one instead of discriminating against a certain colour of peoples skin. I would have no pollution in our oceans, rivers, lakes, creeks, atmosphere or anywhere in the world. I would let no one leave a carbon footprint. I would have people treat each other better. There would be no war.   

Maori and European Essay (Social Studies)

In 1830 there were 100,000 Māori and 200 Europeans living in New Zealand. The behaviour of the Whalers,
the Missionaries’ desire to help protect Māori rights and the Musket Wars were reasons that a treaty was needed.
The Declaration of Independence was another contributing factor to the need for a treaty.

Paragraph One (Lawyer)
One reason that a treaty was needed was the lawless behaviour of some of the British Settlers like whalers.
There were an estimated 200 Europeans in NZ around 1830 most of these Europeans were whalers. Whalers
were out at sea for months to try and catch whales. When the whalers came to shore at the Kororareka(Russell)
port they would cause problems, for example, they would drink, start fights, and there would have been
prostitution. A treaty would have helped stop the problems by bringing everyone together.

Paragraph Two (Lawyer)
Another reason that a treaty was needed was to protect Māori rights. One group that felt strongly about this
was the missionaries. Around 1814 the European missionaries came to New Zealand and tried to convert the
Maori to their religion and beliefs. The missionaries taught the Maori useful skills such as reading and writing
in Maori and agriculture technique. The Missionaries worried on behalf of the Maori because they saw sin, bad
behaviour and all the land that was sold. The treaty would have helped protect the Maori because the treaty
would have enforced laws into New Zealand 

Paragraph Three (Hamer)
Another reason that a treaty was needed was the Musket Wars. The Musket Wars started in 1807 and ended
in 1842 and killed over 20,000 people. The first tribe to get the muskets was Nga Puhi. Maori tribes traded food
and land to obtain the muskets, the tribes that weren’t near ports/ocean were forced to venture out and trade
valuables and food to get muskets. The Maori tribes would fight for land ownership or to regain mana after past
defeats. The Musket wars showed a treaty was needed. 

Paragraph Four (The Slam Dunk)
The final reason that a treaty was needed was the existence of the Declaration of Independence. On the 28th
of October 1835, there was a declaration of independence signed between the Maori and Europeans. The
purpose of the declaration was to protect the Maori rights and to have a flag of their own. 52 Maori chiefs that
signed the declaration of independence. The treaty would have made the Maori become equal with all the other
countries with weapon usage. 

Conclusion (Robust Conclusion)
This essay has demonstrated why a treaty was needed. It was needed because there a huge amount of conflict
between the Maori and Europeans. The whalers brought a lot of bad problems to the Maori such as diseases,
fights and prostitution. Two things we have learnt is that the treaty was an important part for the Maori and the
Europeans become one and without The Treaty Of Waitangi New Zealand wouldn’t be the way it is now. That is
why the Treaty was needed.   

Thursday 14 November 2019

Character Strengths (English)

Character Strengths

I saw teamwork in Dragon Ball Super when Broly comes to Earth to fight Goku and Vegeta after they got beaten they fused together and the beat Broly. I think it’s important to use teamwork because you get things done quickly and you can make friends. 

I saw bravery in Dragon Ball Z where Goku goes to this planet called Namek to save his friends and family from lord Frieza. I think it is important to be brave because you could do a lot of great things. 

Friday 8 November 2019

The Treaty Of Union (Social Studies)

The Treaty Of Union

In social studies, we have been given the task to make a presentation of the treaty of union. I decided to make a poster about the treaty. 

Thursday 31 October 2019

Maori And European Population Changes In NZ 1836 - 1901

New Zealand Population

In social studies, we have been given the task of making a multi-line graph of the population of New Zealand from 1836 to 1901.

1. What does the Graph show us?
    It shows us that the number of Maori people decreases 
    whereas the number of European increase.

2. Why do you think the numbers of Maori change?
    Because the Maori traded their goods and food for muskets
    Then the musket wars started.

3. Why do you think the numbers of Europeans changed?
    The Maori traded their land for weapons and other goods
    Then the Europeans came to the pieces of land the the 
    Europeans traded for.    

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Butter Chicken (Home Ec)

We worked very well together. We worked swiftly and finished the dish and ate it.
We used all the tools that were provided.

I think the outcome was very good. I could taste all the flavours.

I think our communication was great.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Vegetarian Spag Bol

Spag Bol

We worked very well together. We worked swiftly and finished the dish and ate it.
We used all the tools that were provided.

I think the outcome was very good. I could taste all the flavours.

I think our communication was great.

These were the ingredients we used:

This was the finished product:

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Hayato Aki Origin (English)

Hayato Aki

In this world, Superpowers are real. The world was normal it had no magic or superpowers until this child was born he was the first person to have a superpower then people started getting powers all over the world.

Māori Myth (Social Studies)

Māori Myths


1) What do myths and stories play in Religion? 
Mythology and stories play an important piece in religion 
because it explains thing and how they were created. 

2) What similarities are there between the myths and 
stories of the Māori and the first Brittish Missionaries?
The Māori Believed in multiple gods whereas the 
Missionaries believed in one.

3) Why would the differences between Māori beliefs 
and The Brittish Missionary Beliefs cause Conflict?
Because the Māori didn't believe in the missionaries 
God and The Māori believed in a God of war.


Monday 21 October 2019

Volcanic Eruption (Science)

Mount Tambora

On the 10th of April 1815, the biggest volcanic eruption in human history occurred. Mount Tambora is a stratovolcano. The eruption was from the mountain called Mount Tambora on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa.  The blast, Pyroclastic flow and Tsunamis left 100,000s dead. It took six months for all the smaller eruption and the steam clouds. Before the eruption Mount Tambora was 4,300 Metres (14,000 Ft) high, after the eruption it was 2,851 Metres (9,354 Ft). After the eruption it left a caldera spanning 6km across remained. They're most common along the planet's great subduction zones, where a tectonic plate plunges beneath another, generating the rock melt necessary to produce volcanic activity.

Image result for mount tambora eruption

Friday 27 September 2019

Wind Racers (Science)

Wind Racers

We were given the task of making a wind racer for science. 

Our group decided to have a triangle sail with an "M" on the front because we named it the MoroMobile because we only had one hour to make the first design of our wind racer and we had half an hour to make our second design. 

Our second design was a larger rectangular sail and it had cardboard reinforcements to make it stronger. I think our group was great at communicating and teamwork. 

Tests 1 & 2
Our first design went 2.35 m and our second design went 2.55 m so we can say we can say that having a larger sail is better unless it is a lot heavier.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Speech Reflection (English)


(1)  What was your presentation about?
Two anime characters that inspire me

(2)  Which part of your work are you proud of?
Writing my speech

(3)  Were there any challenges?
Yes, Preforming in front of the class

(4)  Would you do anything differently next time?
Be more confident     


Wednesday 4 September 2019

Pizza (Home Ec)


Last week we were given the task of making pizza using the ingredients of unsweetened yoghurt, self-raising flour, salt, and toppings.


I think our group work really well together.

Our skills were communication

I think the result of the pizza what great and it tasted good.

Image result for small pizza

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Sushi (Home Ec)


We had to make vegetarian Sushi for our home ec class. We used the ingredients Nori (Sea Weed), Rice, Cucumber, Carrot and Soy sauce.

I think our teamwork and communication was great when we were cooking.

Our skills were communication and teamwork.

The end product was pretty good.
The taste was superb. 
All the ingredient can together really well.   

Image result for vegetarian sushi

Pyramids (Social Studies)


The ancient Egyptian built the Pyramids as tombs for their Pharaohs and Queens. The pharaohs were buried in the pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. There are around eighty Pyramids for the ancient Egyptian era. In the ancient Egyptian age, the ancient Egyptians made their Pyramids out of limestone. 

Image result for pyramids of ancient egyptImage result for pyramids of gizaImage result for pyramids of giza

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Stone age Art (Social Studies)

This term we have been learning about stone age art. 

Stone age art was created for celebrating and telling stories.
Image result for stone age art

The story behind the art below is there are two hunting parties that went out to hunt for food to feed their village.
The weapons in the photos are:

The Bow and Arrows were used to injure the animal from a distance
The Spear was used to throw or thrust at the animal.